From Concept to Customer

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Due to the products frequently renewed in the contemporary market, accelerating the update of products are important means for an enterprise to continuous operation and development. But how can your idea come to reality and delivered to your customer as quickly and reliably as possible? Well, it involves a wide range of activities that bring together a variety of subjects, from engineering to product management to distribution, etc. 

LUMI, as a professional Chinese supplier and manufacturer of ergonomic home & office solutions and pro-A/V mounting solutions, can transform your idea from concept to customer.

1.    Idea Generation

It starts from an idea, a concept, a thought, a solution, a way to solve a problem, or the needs from customers, after high-level research, brainstorming, and technical investigations, given to the right partner, your idea is on its way to becoming a reality.

Idea Generation

2.    Concept Development and Prototype Production

According to the concept or idea, detailed 2D and 3D dimensional drawings are created by experienced engineers. And industrial design elements are decided on that further bring your idea to life. Handmade samples provide the first real glimpse of what’s to come, and as your products emerge from a mere concept to reality, you begin to see that your idea was a good one.

Concept Development and Prototype Production

3.    Manufacturing Process

With the product proven as a good one, we can make a few adjustments and tweaks to get it “just right” and allow for mass-scale manufacture processes to work effectively. Testing and specifications are verified. The final concept is given a thorough check-up and evaluation, raw materials are purchased, workers are trained, and the factory is ready to begin. Seeing the products come off the line is like the birth of your idea and products is complete.

Manufacturing Process

4.    Product Delivery

After manufacturing, packaged your products well and make it ready for a journey across the sea. Your products arrive, and you now hold in your hands the reality of your ideas, your products, your dream. Your concept is now a finished product delivered to your customer’s door.

Product Delivery

Many people have ideas in life, but an idea that becomes a reality, and that becomes a great idea. At LUMI, our professional teams turn your idea into real products and vital client solutions. Contact us today for more information.