Back to School: Ergonomic Products for College Students

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School is back in session now, have you prepared school supplies for the new semester? Whether it’s the first year or back to school for another one, shopping for the new school supplies is ritual. In addition to the essential supplies like backpacks, pens, and notebooks, we’ve made a list of ergonomic products from LUMI that will boost your comfort and productivity.

1. Laptop Riser

College students spend extended time on the laptop, which is portable to bring with whether at the classroom, coffee shop, or on the desk. However, it isn’t a proper choice for ergonomics, since you can’t adjust the height of keyboard and screen separately, and as a result, you had to hunch over while typing. A laptop riser or laptop stand can help raise monitor height to reduce screen glare so that to reduce the stress and strain caused by prolonged sitting in improper posture. What’s more, many laptop stands have advanced features, including extra USB ports, cable management, or a slot to hold a smartphone.

2. Monitor Arms

In addition to the laptop risers, monitor arms are a great option if you want to adjust monitor screen flexibly to the right height. Compare to traditional monitor stands hold the monitor at a fixed position, the monitor arms allow you to move and adjust the height, angle, even landscape. It helps to reduce neck and shoulder pain and improve work productivity. Moreover, some of the monitor arms can hold two and more screens so that to accommodate two or more screens synchronously to your customized height.

3. Sit-Stand Desk

A sit-stand desk allows users to flexibly switch between sitting and standing, which efficiently reduce sedentary time. Studies suggest that people with a sedentary lifestyle are riskier to get heart disease, type 2 diabetes, even early death. What’s more, the long-term effects of sedentary can’t be countered by doing exercise. Standing up at least two out of eight hours while using offers overall health benefits, including reducing back pain, the risk of heart disease, the chance of obesity, and risk of type 2 diabetes. Additionally, adjusting from sitting to standing can improve mood, reduce depression, and gain boost productivity.

4. Storage & Organization

Making use of a sit-stand desk doesn’t mean that you have to lose storage space. LUMI provides additional storage options to vary from simple under-desk pencil drawers to more robust file storage. The drawers and cabinets offer a practical solution for adding extra storage space to reach to the existing sit-stand desk.

Apart from storage products, LUMI offers other sit-stand desk related accessories – cable management. It adjusts and bends to keep cable organized and out of view-maintaining a neat and clean appearance at your desk by hiding computer’s cables inside.

CPU mounts allow you to mount PC case under the desktop, which prevents cables from unplugging when raising your height-adjustable desk. Featuring swivel and sliding adjustability, CPU mounts offer the maximum convenience for reaching and maintenance. What’s more, it secures your computer underneath the desktop, helping to protect the PC case from getting kicked or bumped.

5. Other Accessories

Without electric power, your expensive devices become a hunk of dead electronics. From advanced wireless chargers to desktop strips, LUMI provides power and charging products, that is the smartest decision you can make for energy use.