Mobile Your TV Now -- A TV Cart may help

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Make TV Portable and Moveable - Use carts to let you effortlessly push bulky TVs back and forth between different locations, saving time. 
If you watch TV in a multi-purpose room, or occasionally need a set at work, you probably know the frustration of searching for a light-weight mobile TV stand. If large cabinets and armoires are too cumbersome for you, consider one of LUMI's versatile TV carts with wheels -- they make moving your equipment a breeze.

Standard TV carts
TV carts, also known as audio visual carts or equipment carts, take traditional stands and add castors to boost mobility. These AV carts come in a range of designs to suit any setting: wood TV carts look wonderful in traditional homes; a plastic AV cart might suit a casual home office; and a sleeker metal AV cart would go nicely in a modern work space.

Flat screen TV carts
As television sets evolve, so too do TV carts. Flat panel TV carts, which are usually adjustable and include mounts, are more popular than ever. 

TV Carts offers great mobility and flexibility because they allow the television to be moved easily from room to room. They are ideal for situations like schools or businesses where many people share limited equipment.

Not what you are looking for?
If you are considering purchasing a TV cart, check it out: